Dreams of India

     For the past few weeks I have been going through a bit of a hard time.. I am not sure what it is, but I have been feeling very sad lately, and even somewhat overwhelmed over small things that should not overwhelm me. I guess it's anxiety, because I do fight that a lot, but whatever it is, it's as if a small dark cloud has been over me.
    God really spoke to my heart the other day through a sermon about how sometimes the Spirit (capital S being the Holy Spirit) will lead us into the 'wilderness' to be tempted by the devil (like it did to Jesus in Matthew). Not only does God see the outcome of this (because you can't have victory without a battle)- but this happened to Jesus right before he started His ministry.
   I know I can't explain it, but I feel like right now I've been in a 'wilderness'- it's mostly emotional and spiritual I think, but it's not fun.
   Anyways, I've been planning a trip to India in May, and it's been a lot harder to plan than I thought. I thought God was just going to open the doors for us to go- and after working really hard to get things planned, it felt like doors began to shut in my face. But I wouldn't give up- and soon, I began to feel like the trip might not happen- and I'm okay with that, because I know God has promised I would be back there one day.
   Last week, some new doors began to open with a new ministry over there at a small orphanage I have never been to. Sadly this would mean I would have to rearrange my entire trip there, including funds, and leading a team blindly into a part of India I have never been. This scared me because I am not comfortable with change- or going somewhere I have never been- or even leading! I really don't like leading... I like following. And now that the new year has started I've been worried that I honestly  don't have the time to put together a whole new trip!
   As I was praying about that, I felt God reminded me that sometimes we will stand before a door in our life, and above that door is one of His promises- and we knock on that door, and turn the handle, but find it locked. And sure, we can force the door open, but if we don't wait on God to open it (in HIS timing), we are moving in our own power (which can't stand up to anything) and not the power of God (which can stand up to everything we come against). I'm tired of trying to force this door open... and as I meditated on that, I felt another reminder that sometimes, as we knock on a certain door, expecting the Lord to open it- another unexpected door will open for us that He wants us to walk through.... sometimes that door is simply learning patience, and sometimes that door could be facing fears- since fear cannot stand against the power of God.

So.. that's what all is going on in my life right now.

     Honestly, as I started this blog, I didn't plan on writing all that... I think it just helped me to 'get it all out there'... but now that I have, you can see where I am at, and where the real 'miracle' of this blog is coming from... :)

So, I think it was about a week ago now, that I was asleep, and dreaming a very vivid dream of being in India. I was in a room, with white walls, and a grey floor, and I was sitting on the floor, worshiping in the corner. As I opened my eyes I saw the room with several people from India singing the same song, in English, that I was singing. And although I knew none of the people in front of me, I knew I was with an organization called Burn. As I opened my mouth, we were all singing "Bless the Lord, O My Soul.." and as I sang I felt the presence of God so thick- come upon me, that I just closed my eyes and kept singing from the bottom of my heart... "Bless the Lord, O my soul..." It was so intense, and the feeling of God's presence actually woke me up from my sleep- but as I woke up I could still feel it!

It was the middle of the night, and I knew for some reason that dream meant something... although I tried to interpret it, by asking the Lord what it meant, but I didn't get anything. But I knew I had to remember the dream- especially the song- although I didn't know why.

This morning, I got online, and an indian friend who works for Burn posted a recent video of worship in India... I actually started crying as I saw the same room from my dream, filled with the same amount of people... I recognized the room instantly. But what hit me the hardest, is what they were singing...
Bless the Lord, O my Soul.

    I still don't know why I was given this dream... but it really shows me that God hears the cries of our hearts. He knows how much I long for India, and I feel like this dream was Him allowing me to be a part of something going on over there. Even though I wasn't there physically, I do believe for that song, I was there spiritually. And how cool is that?!

   Anyways, here is the video :)
Please keep this awesome ministry in your prayers!



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