My Heart on a Canvas

       Back in February, I was on a women's retreat with my church. I was up late one night, thinking of ways to raise support. I feel like I am constantly raising support in my life- and I don't like asking people for money. This is mostly how I was raised I think, but I think my whole life I've sent out 2 support letters, and God has provided more through the trips I didn't make support letter for (and He came through with much cooler stories!). I don't think support letters are wrong, but the past 2 times I've needed support for something God has called me to do, I felt Him lead me to not write a letter. So as I was laying in bed thinking/praying about ways to raise the thousands of dollars needed for my next adventure God was taking me on, I felt Him tell me to sell all my paintings.

    My paintings, are my babies. I'm not good at selling them, much less letting people look at them. Whenever I am going through something, I paint. Good or Bad- painting is a way for me to express what is going on within my heart on a canvas. I really am a huge critic on my work, so I thought no one would really want my paintings if they had to paint them. I also felt the Lord tell me not to put a price on them. This kinda made me fearful- what if someone buys something from me, for $5, and they have no idea how much that piece means to me? But I had a strong peace about what the Lord was telling me to do, so I talked with my pastor about the 'art sale' idea when I got home.

     After a few months, it's now July, and the art sale is finally here. I have to say, it was hard to put all of those art pieces out for everyone to see. It was like- "Here are the secrets of my heart- enjoy!" There was a fear in me as I set them up, but pushing through brought a lot of healing in letting myself be a little vulnerable. I believe as a Christian we must be willing to be vulnerable, otherwise how are people going to see the God's light if we don't open up? We can only pour out as much as God's love that we are willing to receive- and how can we fully receive all God has for us if we shut others out? My paintings somewhat tell a story of a very  broken girl, being transformed by the love of God over the past 6 years (my paintings were from 2008-2013). I'm still in the process of learning to be vulnerable.. but this was a huge step for me.

     I have 3 more weekends of selling my paintings, photography, and car decals that I designed. I was blown away by the support that came in last Sunday. I've also been posting more artwork on the internet for people to see- and I've been realizing that people like my work. I'm sure not everyone does, and that's okay, because people are unique and we all like different things. That's kinda the beauty God instilled in each of us. 


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