Replacing the Mind of Michael for the Heart of David

   Yesterday our sermon was on worship, and the heart of Davids worship for the Lord. As the story was told of David dancing (almost naked) in joy for the Lord and before men, I started to ponder this story in my mind. Michael, Davids wife, watched as he danced and she hated him in her heart. Because of this, she was made barren.
   I couldn't help but realize how prophetic this was. Davids dance was a representation of his heart- true, all out crazy love for his God, where he simply did not care what was appropriate in man's eyes, only caught up in the crazy joy of the Lord. Then we see Michael, watching and despising his public display.
   I really see where I have been Michael so many times... not because I want to be, but because I can  imagine why she despised Davids dancing so much. They were in public- David was practically naked and dancing with all his might. I'm sure this was embarrassing for Michael, someone who most likely worried about what people thought- or feared how David was making her look. I know there has been so many times I've been held back from the simple thought 'what would people think if I did this.'
   The bible says we will know the Spirit by it's fruit. And Michaels hatred of Davids 'out of the box' worship made her barren. Yet David ended up being a part of the lineage of the son of God. (this is so prophetic)

   Another thing I have pondered the past few days is the apostles and all they had to suffer for the sake of the gospel. They were the ultimate forerunners- if it weren't for them and their full realization of what the gospel really is, we would not have the freedom we do now to worship freely from our church buildings. I've come to realize I want this fullness of the gospel- because the apostles knew that this was the greatest thing to ever come to earth. Jesus brought heaven when he came, the best treasure we can access through Him; God on earth, in our lives- living inside us and working with and through us! And I feel like if I had that full realization, which I haven't even begun to wrap my head around- life would  be so much more than daily quiet time with Him and a gathering inside a building to worship on Sunday. My whole life would be one of faith and miracles; everyday. The very things the apostles suffered for! They had the realization without the freedom... now we have the freedom without the full realization.
   That's where sometimes I feel like Michael. Blind to all that the reality of this 'treasure' really is. We feel His presence at church, and are thankful for him getting us through another busy/stressful week, and take time to love on Him a little. But I know this is nothing compared to what He has really given us, but we just don't realize we have yet.

   I feel a season is coming where this realization is going to awaken the church... and all the Michaels will scoff and leave (barring no fruit), as others step out in faith to seek more of the treasure that they've only had a taste of- the treasure that lies even deeper in His presence. And the fruit of this will be the Bride that Jesus is coming back for.
   But it's that step of faith that's going to bring breakthrough... the step that changes our eyes from seeing with the mind of Michael, into eyes that see through the heart of David.
    And the step comes before the breakthrough.
    I want the reality the apostles had... I want to live in Heaven with Jesus even while I'm still in this world- because I know it's possible... and there's so much more.


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