A Pregnant Creation Around Us

  As most of you know, I am engaged to be married. This itself is a worldly impossibility financially, and circumstantially at the moment, but we are walking in faith through it all and stepping out in the timing of when we feel God is calling us to marry- trusting Him as we plan, that He will sort out all the impossible things.

  I had a dream last week that involved another couple our age here in England. A couple we both love very much. (In the dream there were four of us: Me and Shanen, and this other young couple from our church) In the dream, the guy was saying his fiancé is pregnant, and that's why they are rushing to marry this year. Then the couple looked at me and said "Camille is pregnant too, which is why you guys are also rushing to marry!" And they were so excited about this- even Shanen became so excited and they were all giddy with joy! But I was almost offended, thinking 'why are you saying that- there is no possible way for that to be true, so why would you say that??'

**Side note, for those who don't know me and Shanen, we believe in keeping ourselves pure until the wedding day. This is our own personal decision on how we do life with God, and how we live out of being childlike in Him and how we do life- to be able to give ourselves to one another on the wedding day. We are not ashamed to say this, or hide this- and also we don't expect every relationship to hold our same values. We are just us- and this is who we are. :) **

  And I saw the joy on their faces of celebration- and even wondered why Shanen was so joyful bc he must surely know that me being pregnant was physically impossible. I almost wanted to tell them to stop declaring this because of my own 'fear of what people would think', even thought I knew the truth.

  Then I woke up- and before opening my eyes I heard God say "Romans 8:22".

  I grabbed my phone to look up the verse and this is what it says:

  "All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pains. But it's not only around us, it's within us. We're also feeling the birth pains. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are wearing for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy."

  I knew God was speaking to me about this season. Even though I can't see the big picture of how it's all going to work out, like a pregnancy can't see the baby until it is born, I can be joyful in the waiting, and even in the times of difficulty, knowing it's only the birthing pains of what is to come.

  I wanted to share this dream because God is doing many things this year in so many of our lives.
I have friends moving to Germany, not knowing where they will live yet, but trusting God as His peace is on a particular month. I have leaders who are taking over the iDestiny school here, not knowing exactly how it's going to look but trusting God as they move forward. I have another friend here starting up an event on wholeness that God has put in her heart, again, with no idea how it's going to workout, but moving forward in planning and dreaming. God is doing so much this year and calling us to hope, trust Him, and step out in faith in these big things He is birthing in our lives.

 This is going to be an amazing year. It may have started with much difficulty, but it will end in celebration. 


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