The End of the Road.

I was praying/journaling this morning and I was talking to God about how I feel.. (when I talk about how I feel I always paint a crazy picture... idk why). I said I feel like I've come to the end of my road that I've made for myself, and now it finally splits into two paths. One path looks beautiful, sunny, with wildflowers and a direct dirt road that looks like it will take me wherever I want to go, with beautiful scenery surrounding me. Then there is the other path that jets off to the right... if you can even call it a "path". It is dark and scary, a little lightning here and there.. the trees look dead and the "path" is overgrown with weeds and thorns. Immediately I want to run to the pretty road... who wouldn't?? But I'm reminded that I don't know where either way leads... what if the pretty road becomes even uglier than the scary path?? What if the scary path leads to beauty I can't even imagine? Then again, it could just lead to an even bigger storm than those few sparks of lightning I see. So right now, I just sit, waiting on His direction. I know wherever He leads me, I'll go. I will happily skip down the beautiful path if He lets me... But, if he says "this way.", pointing me to the right, I will take his hand as he leads me through those thorns and into the lightning. Whichever way He leads, I'll follow. I'm ready.


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