God Moments. :)

So I have officially been away from home for a week. It's kind of crazy to think I only have 10 more weeks to go until I'm on my way to India.
People in ministry always have told me how hard it is, and that it definitely isn't an easy job at all. In fact it is actually harder than most jobs… it's your life completely given to God. And although I have heard this a lot, and 100 percent believed it to be true, I don't think I really knew exactly how hard ministry is until I've gotten to see a little bit of David and Vicki's life up here in Gainesville. I mean, wow. It is amazing how in only 7 years, the Lord has accomplished so much through them, and through the lives of those they have touched. And like I said, I've only been here a week, so I'm sure I'm barely even getting my feet wet in the whole ocean of their ministry. I don't know how they do it all… but they do, and it is absolutely amazing!
Today I felt the first little bit of homesick feeling. I don't know where it came from or what caused it… I just realized, wow… I really miss my family and friends. It lasted a few minutes, and then I was back doing whatever it was I was doing at the time. Of course the enemy played off those few minutes, reminding me that I had only been gone a week, and how could I ever be gone 6 months… I would never make it. Thankfully, I knew what was going on, and God really gave me some great encouragement this evening.
As I was sitting on the couch journaling to God (sometimes I write down my prayers to Him), I was writing/confessing fears that I had. After I had addressed 3 fears that I've had this week, I began to write a prayer. The exact words I wrote were: "You know my fears… help me to abandon them for you Lord." As soon as i had written that line, Rebecca (another lady who lives with me and serves in this ministry) looked up and said, "Hey Cami, listen to this…" So I looked up and listened as she read, "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You muss do the thing you think you cannot do." (a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt). I immediately smiled, knowing why she felt the need to share that with me. God is so awesome. I told her the words I had just written to the Lord and how cool it was that as soon as I wrote them she was just like "Hey Cami, listen to this!" I think these are my absolute favorite moments in life… those little God moments that leave me smiling on the inside out.


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