Freedom, Growth, and 6 years time....

     As days go by, we are slowly growing. This growth can easily go without recognition unless you take some time to seriously think of where you were several years ago, compared to where/who you are now. I sometimes reflect on this, but too often I am reminded of the mistakes I've made in the past. I know this is the enemy trying to get me to focus on the wrong things- but when our past is thrown in our face, it's hard for it not to affect you. It takes time, and most of all, it takes healing.
     These past 5 years of my life have been majorly focused on inner healing. It has definitely been a great adventure. I wouldn't say I was being changed into someone else, but instead I have been growing into who God made me to be. There is only one of me, just like there is only one of you- and we need to focus on finding who we are, instead of trying to become someone else. Because God didn't make us to be someone else, He made you to be uniquely you- to reflect a certain part of Him. Yes, He is that big.

     Tonight I was checking Facebook before bed and decided I wanted to change my profile picture to my favorite photo taken this year...

     This photo was taken in Ireland this past January. We had been on a 2 week outreach from iDestiny School of Ministry, and this was towards the end of our trip. We had seen so many crazy miracles and seen God move in ways we couldn't believe. I had also had some personal miracles happen that showed me just how precious I was as God's daughter. He loves me more than I can ever imagine, and I still believe I can't comprehend the fullness of it all. This photo was taken at the Giants Causeway, right as a huge wave came up behind me. I was pretending to fly :) When I look at this photo I am reminded of the Freedom that God has for each of our lives. Full Freedom. 

     As I was changing my profile photo to this, a notification came across my facebook. A friend of mine had found a photo of when I was baptized in January of 2008. *Exactly 6 years before the photo I was looking at was taken* ... I had two screens up on my computer now- one of the photo I was about to make my profile picture, and the other photo taken exactly 6 years before (both in January) of when I decided to give my life to Christ. I sat there looking at these photos and thinking of all the things- the many many things, that had taken place in my life from first photo, to the second.

     There I was (photo on the right) ... 2008 Camille, taking my first steps forward to a new life. Unfortunately my first thoughts where not good ones... my first thoughts were of the many failures I had made since that day- thoughts like 'oh, that was before that one big mistake I made that year, and that horrible thing I did... before I made these horrible decisions and before this incident happened...' But then I realized, as big as those mistakes where, the good far outshines the bad. I can see so much healing and freedom that has come from some really tough seasons in life; How I got to see God provide in miraculous ways for me- financially, and relationally. How He has taken me on adventures across the world, and shown me things only a Father would show his child. How He has shown me what it truly means to have a Dad who is always there, and always has good for us, even when it looks impossible. Because that is who He is... He is always good. 

     And the exciting thing is, my adventure isn't over yet. I see that girl on the left, flying into 2014- and I'm excited about the growth that the next 6 years will bring, and wonder what I'll be doing in January of 2020. 


  1. So proud of your journey my love. It has been a story you traveled with elegance, grace and always trying to seeing the best in all situations. You are always a light in my life. Love you!


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