
I'm not very fond of writing. In the past, I use to write a lot of poems... I have a journal full of poems. But somehow I've lost my passion for writing and poetry. Maybe it's because I was forced to throw my jornals away not to long ago - journals that I have kept since I was 7 years old. My whole life was recorded in those journals... but now they are gone, and since that day I have been afraid of ever recording my real thoughts or emotions on paper. The only journals I have left are my poems that I keep hidden on a shelf.

Not many people know me. A lot of people know who I am, but very few really know me. I keep people at a distance... partly bc I am afraid of people finding out who I really am. I make all my decitions based on pleasing other people, which has really hurt me and led me down some wrong paths, which I just have to deal with. But one thing I always have to remember, is God has me right where he needs me... and if I'm not where I need to be, He will get me there.

So who am I? My name is Camille Williams. I became a follower of Jesus in 2007/2008, and have been living for him ever since. He has changed my life. I am not perfect... in fact I am VERY imperfect, and quite a mess... but although I am always stumbling, I live for Him. I love to paint... it is a talent God has blessed me with. I am also a photographer. I have a huge heart for orphans, and India. I love animals, especially my dog Kutta (Kutta means dog in Hindi), and my cat Merichino. I drink too much coffee. I am one of those weird, healthy eaters, and love working out. I work at All is Well, which is a "holistic pet food store". I have a lot of friends, but only a few best friends... Ally Baker, Stephanie Simms, and Lauren Lewis. Those are probably the only three people who really know who I am. I dream of owning my own studio one day, where I can go to work everyday and paint, as well as sell my paintings. I also dream of spending 2 years in India, working with kids and homeless.


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