It's Getting HOT HOT HOT!

As I write this blog, i sit here sunburnt from the collarbone up. I am getting a pretty lovely farmers tan with each day I am here.
It is hot. The other day the temp said 95. The humidity is horrible- and it actually has made me sick a few times. I am drinking plenty of water- but it's just that sickening heat that I feel we can never escape. Sometimes I just lay on the floor under the fan, not wanting to move.
The heat is probably one of the most distracting things for me right now. It makes my patience plummet (and being in this country, sometimes you need a double dose of patience). My energy is wearing very thin.
This is my biggest prayer request right now. Help me to be able to cope with this heat... otherwise, I'm not sure what I'm going to do in April and May... they call those the 'hot months'. :/


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