Oh Rats!

Here in India, there are two types of toilets: western (which is the type America has), or squattys (a hole that you squat over). Usually I prefer westerns- if they are clean enough. If I know I am using a dirty bathroom though, I always prefer the squatty.
So the bus station is one of the dirtiest ones I've used... it's also the only one I use that charges me 1 rupee to use it. although, the last time the guy tried to rip me off and charge me 2 rupees. My white skin does not mean I cannot read the "1 rupee sign" on the outside of the bathrooms.
So me and my friend go into this bathroom- there is trash everywhere... some of the stall doors are falling off... and the smell is pretty bad. I ask her to hold my stuff (you do NOT want to set your purse down here) and as I am handing her my bag, she screams "OH my gosh!" I looked around, and said "what?!" -then I thought of everything I've seen so far in India, and turned back to her knowing that whatever it was she saw was probably something I don't want to see. "What was it?!" I asked.
"Nothing.. just go. I'll tell you later."
So I went, came out and we switched bags. Now I'm the bag holder and I asked again what she saw. She pointed to a bucket outside the stall next to me. "Five rats just ran and jumped into that bucket." I silently thanked God she did not tell me this before I used the bathroom. "Go look- they are in there! 5 of them!" I don't know how 5 rats even fit into that bucket, but I said, "No!" I have seen enough rats here already... they freak me out. Mice are okay, and kinda cute. Not rats.
While I waited for my friend I watched these rats jump in and out of that bucket several times. I don't know what was in that bucket but I'm kinda glad I don't know.


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