
So I was re-reading a prophetic word I got about a month ago. It's amazing how much I needed to re-read it. Let me fill you in on what was going on about a month ago- I am home, but my heart is still many places, both here and overseas (mostly India). I had been constantly praying about what to do next, and where God was leading me. I sent out an email about heading back to India this December, but hadn't heard back in a few days, so I thought maybe this was God closing the door. When I got my prophetic word at a conference, She told me she saw me overseas, and even said the word 'India'... that's about the time my knees gave out and I fell down crying. Out of anything that I was wanting to hear in a prophecy of mine, I just wanted to hear that one word the most. (Btw- she mentioned Europe, Africa, and the Middle East as well, which is pretty exciting! All places that have been on my heart before.)
On the drive home that night, I felt like I should check my email. So I picked up my phone and saw that I had just received an email about going back to India in December. I started screaming out of joy. Luckily there was no one else in the car. :)
As you can see with the last few blog posts, my finances aren't doing so great with my broken laptop and last weekend as I was driving home from Florida I got a ticket which set me back even more. Yet God still continues to provide for my India trip in the most random of moments and ways. He is so awesome.
Anyways, I wanted to share a bit of my prophetic word which pretty much describes exactly what I'm going through right now. Again, I def needed to re-read this tonight. :)

"Do not allow circumstances around you to hold you back from dreaming or from believing big things because God is always going to put big dreams within you- but the circumstances are not always going to agree with you. Do not let finances hold you back, because as you believe God, He is going to release what you need."



  1. YaYa!! I love you, I love prophecy and I love your life. Keep going Cam


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