Please Read

It's so easy to forget about the major crisis' going on around the world... sometimes we forget because of the busyness of our own lives, and other times it's just easier to forget because we don't know how to handle these situations. I am guilty of both.

But with so many things going on in the world, we can't get involved with them all. There are needs everywhere. But this week I read something that hit my heart in the area where I was literally holding back tears- and unsure of the reason why. This has happened for a country once before, although on many occasions... India. That country always stirs something inside of me... a longing, and a broken heart to be back there again someday... the people I love like I'm related to them. I can't explain it- it's completely supernatural, and those close to me have seen these tears that will randomly hit me at times over there littlest things to do with India. It's always only been India for me.

But this past monday I read something for another country and had the same reaction- the overwhelming pull on my heart so strong I couldn't think about anything else for the entire day. That's how I knew I needed to do something, and I started seeking God on what I could do.

There's a lady I met in England, who lives in Jordan and works with refuges from Syria. I love reading her posts, seeing the kids and how she loves on them when they've lost everything. Her life inspires me and fills me with hope on my own future whenever God does take me back to India.

But all the time, as I have been seeing these pictures and stories she posts, I never realized how attached I had gotten to this little people group I've never even met... until I read her status update on December 2nd. She wrote:

"I don't tend to write these posts for your benefit. I write for me. I write because I need to somehow articulate the vast array of emotions that a day like today conjures up. Today I have seen a previously affluent old Beduin lady weep as she tells me how afraid she is of starving to death in a foreign land. I have had parents plead with me to take their children. And I have cuddled a beautiful baby boy who hadn't been properly fed in over a day. To the majority of my friends here the news that the WFP is suspending all food coupons - which for most families was the sole source of income - was more than just a disappointment. It was a death sentence . Today I wept in every house I visited. A father looked at me as I drank tea from his precious reserve that he so selflessly served me and asked if I was sick. My face looked different. My response: not sick, simply heartbroken.
He went on to tell me that, "You are the best coupon we have. Whenever you are with us our hearts feel at peace no matter what is happening. No matter how much food we have in the cupboards our children are happy when you are here. That's what matters." Today he essentially looked death in the face and said, "Just bring me Love." And with that profound declaration, though my heart still aches, hope flutters. Love will not fail. Love will win."

Below I found this link (this will take you to the world news story):

Again, as I fought tears from springing up into my eyes, I just prayed 'what can I do?'

I know I can't do much, but I can do something.

I don't have much to give, but I know anything helps.

God gave me a small idea, to make simple leather tie bracelets with little beads. Since I make jewelry, I have a ton of jewelry supplies at my house. So I put together a small simple prayer bracelet that can be tied to your wrist, so every time you look at it you will be reminded to pray for the situation and the lives of these refugees.  The color beads on the leather string represents the flag of Syria, and the two gold beads outside of the flag colored beads represents God's hands surrounding the entire situation... because even though things look hopeless, God has not forgotten them.

So here's where we come in... I am asking for everyone who reads this to donate $10. 
(more is always welcome)
And I am giving these bracelets to all of those who choose to donate.

I have already emailed the lady over there about costs of living, and one person can be supported for about $1 a day. That is what the UN was originally giving the refugees to live off of. Now it's all gone. A decent sized food package can be given out for $30/month. 
Every little bit helps.

If you want to donate, please email me at

or if you know me on facebook, you can contact me there.

Thank you so much for reading this.. and lets see how far we can take this. Please feel free to share with friends and family- the more who donate, the more we can bless!


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