Big Prayer Answered!!!

So about a week or so ago, I sent out a facebook message to people close to me, either from my church, or other church families of mine. It told of my situation- I needed money- a lot of money ($1500), and I needed it in about a weeks time if I were to go on this trip! This seemed impossible, but as we all know, nothing is impossible with God... and I told myself that a lot this week, although, I have to be honest and say that I don't know if I %100 believed this money situation was going to come through.
I enjoy running about 3 times a week, when I have the time. It's one of my favorite times to pray because I run on a trail by the woods, and I get to see lots of wildlife and be outdoors. Plus I always leave headphones in, even though they arn't on, so nobody ever bothers me. :) As I was praying and running last week, my biggest, specific prayer was that most of the money I needed would come from someone I didn't email, and that everyone's prayers would cause something big to happen where I could literally see the hand of God work... and that's what happened.
If you read my last blog post, it was were I actually started accepting the fact that maybe I wasn't meant to go on this trip. I had gotten donations, but it still left me $900 short, and the money was due in 2 days. Again, impossible! So I gave the whole situation to God, asking Him to make everything smooth if I was to go, and accepting the fact that this just might not be God's timing.
Last night I was having trouble sleeping... I think it's the coffee I had at 6pm, but I was dozing in and out of sleep, and kept waking up randomly. At 2:30 am I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. It was across my room, so I was able to sit up in bed and see who was calling. It was my friend Adam, who lives in Hawaii! I knew he knew I was asleep, so I figured he accidentally called me. When I heard the voicemail beep, I decided to check it, and he was super excited about something. Then he started calling again, so I knew it must be important and called him back. I was half asleep, but I listened as he explained what he's been going through and thinking about the past few days.
Me and Adam have been friends for most of my christian life, and we met at Genesis many years ago, where I first came to know Jesus in a personal way. We have kept in touch ever since, and we talk a lot about God and what He is doing in our lives. Adam has one of the biggest hearts for evangelism and sharing the gospel, as well as Christ's love with others. After our conversation, I asked him to email me everything he told me on the phone so I could share it in my blog... and he did . This is what he wrote, and explained to me last night...

"So, for a little while i've been really considering what God is teaching me about what it means to BE and BECOME the church compared to doing/going to church. So last weekend i was looking at my finances and stuff and thinking about whether i'm spending/giving money to the right things. As i looked at my finances and such, i considered the whole thing of tithing and what it really means to set aside at the beginning of the week my top ten percent (considering it's all his anyway, he just asks back for at least 10 percent). so, i thought - ok, i get what you want me to do but i don't know exactly who you want me to give it to. and i ask God to just show me who he wants me to give his money to.

so then i read your blog today and a saw how you needed 900 bucks and i thought to myself, "She's just gonna think i'm trying to impress her if i just be like - hey i can come save the day, here's 900 bucks!" and i just didn't think it be real love if i did something like that.. and i also thought about how i mentioned a long time ago that i wanted to be someone she could always ask if she needs anything, and then i thought to myself, "i don't want to help simply to keep my word or whatever.. cuz if i do it just to keep my vows, that's not real love" so i just felt helpless cuz i didn't want to do anything for the wrong reason.

so this evening i went to mcdonalds and i drove home and as i was eating in the car, something awesome dawned on me! i thought about how i had some money still set aside for church and i was thought - "hmmm... i have about like $1000 that i could help with! that's more than enough so definitely it works!" but i also thought, "God, please just show me that this is what you want me to do. I can see nothing better to give your money to, but i want you to show me because i really want to help but i don't want to do it because i'm trying to impress Cami." so i thought... "what are the chances..." so i turned on my computer to look at exactly how much i had set aside to give to church and i saw $900 exactly and i thought "This is sooooo perfect! i gotta call Cami right now and wake her up and tell her to stop stressing out!"

so then i called you once and left a message hoping you'd answer but i knew you wouldn't. Then, something within me said, call her again cuz it's that important to wake her up! so i did, and i'm so glad i did!"

So here is another cool story to add to my list of miraculous ways God has provided for me over the past few years... always at the very last minute too. But if He didn't provide in ways like this, at the very last minute in such a HUGE way, I wouldn't get to see Him do the impossible. I believe it's His way of growing my faith with every step I take.
Adding on to this blog, after I finished writing, I got a phone call from my mom
this morning, who got a phone call from a young lady that boards a horse at her barn
named Brooke. Brooke told my mom that God told her I needed $300 that she had
saved up, and she wanted to donate it to my trip. Now, the crazy thing is, I still needed
support to cover the bills I have here while I'm gone, which equals to $300! I haven't
told anyone this, I just figured I would work extra hard and try to come up with the
money on my own somehow... still not sure how that would be possible.

And to add on to the awesomeness of today, I got an email from someone I know
in India, telling me that if I ever plan on leading teams to India, they would love to have
me! Woohoo God and your provisions!! :)


  1. I know right!! I am so happy!!! :D Thanks for your prayers!!!

  2. Don't you just love how much God has Rahab's Rope in His hands. I have been praying for all out you every day and know that you will be the living Gospel while you are there. God bless


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