Experiencing my first heavy spiritual battle

Yesterday we had a "christmas celebration" with about 30 sex workers and thier children. It didn't really consist of anything to do with Christmas, but in a way it did because we all just had fun and loved on them, because Christ first loved us. Anyways, a huge spiritual battle took place... here is that story...
2 girls, around the ages of 12 came in dressed in saris and adorned with gold jewels, heavy makeup and bells on their ankles. They wanted to perform a dance for us. I was so excited to see this dance. Many of the other kids did dances for us, that were amazing (Indias are the BEST dancers), and some sang for us, and the women did a fashion show for us which was incredible!! We had so much fun!! So, the whole day, these girls who were all dressed up to dance, kept trying to perform, but for some reason something always stopped them. I never knew what was wrong. Sometimes they would get up and get ready, but then go sit back down. It was so weird. Finally, towards the end of the day, they got up and the music came on, and they started to dance. I was SO excited, I started to film and take pictures. About halfway through the song I felt a heavy demonic presence come over the room. I had no idea what the song was about since it was in a different language, but what I felt was not good. I even stopped taking pictures, and deleted the ones I had taken- it was such a heavy feeling. Towards the end one of the girls got upset and looked like she was going to stop the dance- and even looked like she was crying, but the second girl made her keep going. Finally it was over, and everyone cheered, but I could barely clap and fake a smile. All I could think was "We need some worship in here right now." Luckily after that, we taught the kids "Father Abraham", and I felt the darkness dissappear.
When we were leaving, I traveled home with two Indian friends who are a part of our mintry. They are husband and wife. I was kind of nervous asking them about the presence I felt, because I didn't want them to think I was crazy, but as soon as I mentioned it, they both exclaimed they felt it too, also at the end of the song, and the husband even had to leave the room. The wife was praying to God the whole time for nothing to get out of control. She told me about things she's seen that she thought was about to happen, but luckily the song ended. She said if it had gone on any longer, something bad would have happened. WOW. Then we began to think about the trouble they had even performing the song... which makes sense now, because as thick as that darkness was those 5 minutes, the presence and love of God in that room was 10 times heavier, and it definitly won.


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