Warfare and Rambling.

So, I'm not sure if it's the recent study on warfare I've been doing, or maybe I've just never paid attention before, but I've been noticing things in both my lives and the lives of other close friends, where they are being attacked big time- and all in different ways. I guess we are possibly always under attack when you think about it... Satan doesn't want us to shine God's light on others, so he does whatever he can to distract us, or make us have conflict with our brothers and sisters, or revert to our 'old ways', or just make us super busy so we don't have the time with our Father that we need.
It's kinda like a really close friend... if you spend time with a friend everyday, you start to REALLY know them. Not just know them, but you even pick up some of the quirky things they do, or even the silly phrases they say will randomly come out your mouth one day. They are your BEST friend. But what happens when you don't spend as much time with them, or they move away... you find a new friend, pick up new habits and hobbies, and you think less of the other friend, until you see them again and it's like you forgot how much you love that best friend. This is how my relationship with Jesus is... I love spending time with Him- there is no other relationship that compares to Him... and let me tell you, getting to be close to GOD, the maker of this world and universe, it's amazing. More than amazing... it's unlike anything I ever thought possible. But when I am distracted- or more like, when I LET MYSELF get distracted, my mind stays busy on the things in life, and soon I begin to shift my spiritual eyes to my worldly eyes, and that just isn't good. Once I'm only looking through my worldly eyes, then the enemy can easily attack me spiritually, and I can't notice because my spiritual eyes are shut at the moment. And that sucks.
I don't really know why I'm rambling on in this blog today... I guess it's just because this week has been one attack after another on both me, and almost every loved one I can think of. I'm fine with attacks on myself, because I recognize it, rebuke it, and just think- the war has been won, so I really have nothing to fear... and I don't let the attack get to me (or I try not to... let me just say, this year has been a huge growth for me compared to last year, when I use to let almost every attack get to me, unknowingly). But when I see this crap happening in the life of my friends, it pisses me off. Especially when they are getting hurt, and they don't realize the true source behind the pain. UGH. So I guess I just had to vent. I love my friends so much, and I wish I could take their places right now- or at lease go through this hard part for them.


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