Quick Update

After staying in Mumbai for a few days we flew down to Goa. I absolutly LOVE it here- and the best news is, this is where I will stay! Of course I am sure to be in Mumbai again soon because we are most likly planting a new women's center there. But Goa is incredible. I love the people, the atmosphere... I will have pics up soon I promise. I am in an internet cafe because the hotel I am in doesn't have internet... plus my computer is dead until I have time to actually charge it.
I cannot express how much I love it here. I have met a few of the Rahab's Rope girls who are awesome, and a team of 7 girls is here from the US and we have been doing VBS with a few slum kids (well, a lot... 80-something kids were there). It is caos!!! But I SO enjoy it! I enjoy hearing "TEACHER TEACHER TEACHER!!" alllllll day... having kids grabing you and just wanting to be near you. It's tough but so rewarding. I am in Heaven.
After the team leaves next week we are making a quick trip to Bangalore! Yay! Then back to Goa. <3 Hopefully I will be back in touch with everyone soon!


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