Friday status posts... too long for facebook lol.

-Sitting on the patio, having early morning english tutoring/hindi class with our native friend, and we see two men chasing a wild pig in the field next to us. We see them disappear around the corner, then a few seconds later some screams from the pig. I guess they really wanted that bacon for breakfast. We also saw two iguanas which was pretty cool!
-Still sitting having English/Hindi class, and my native friend offers me an Oreo. I take the Oreo, twist it open and start eating the cream when my friend busts out laughing and says, "CAMI! What are you doing?! Why are you eating it like a child?! You are so funny!" I just said, "Well Jesus calls us to have a child-like heart... and that's why I eat the Oreo like this."
-I got a note from my Indian sister saying I have a package at the post office... s0 me and Steph walk to the post office. In the post office, there are two men: One that works there, and another getting his mail. The working one says, "how long are you staying here." I reply, "Forever." He says, "How long are you staying here?" I said again, "Forever." Then the guy getting his mail (who I have never seen before) tells the guy working, "She is a teacher here... She lives at..." and tells the man where I live! Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens everyday.
-We return home and open my birthday package full of American goodies and COFFEE!!! Also, I asked for some American coins to give some local friends here.
-The power was out, and it is very hot, so we had cold leftover veggie soup... and it was so good! Durring lunch, we are talking to my Indian Auntie, who just cut and dyed her hair black. I said, "I am dying my hair tonight!" She said, "Really?" I said, "Yes, I am dying it purple!" Then I hear my Indian sister start busting out laughing from behind me. A few seconds later they realize I'm not joking.
-So on the bus into town today, when the conductor came to collect our money, I handed him a quarter, a dime, and a penny- and acted like it was nothing unusual. (Now, we ride this bus everyday so they know us- although we never talk to them) He looks at the change in his hand, turns it over a few times, then looks back at me and I hand him the real money. I let him keep the change, and later he shows the bus driver- who starts to study the coins WHILE DRIVING. Luckily we are still alive.
-Durring Jewelry class, I found out that one of my students has been calling me "Scammy Teacher" for 3 months. She thought my name was Scammy, not Cami.
-While leaving work, and waiting on the bus, we see hundred of people coming down the street in two rows with Catholic prayer beads, a small truck (called a Lori) with huge speakers screaming something in Hindi... prob reading from the Catholic Bible... and everyone holding on to their prayer beads and a group in the middle following the Lori carrying a huge wooden cross.
-At night, after we had a delish dinner of cold veggie soup again (and I'm not being sarcastic bc it is really good! lol), I hear the "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" of nearby fireworks. I go outside and see my Indian brother looking at the sky. He says "Cami, what is that? Do you know?" Thinking he is looking at the fireworks, I walk up next to him and look. "Fireworks?" I said (I know he knows what fireworks are bc he sets them off every few days to 'scare the monkeys away') "No... that!" He points to a little blinking light way up in the sky. "That's an airplane." And the fireworks continue to go off as I go upstairs to dye my hair and finnish laundry and packing.


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