Creativity and Jewelry

Ever since I was little, I've been blessed with creativity. Growing up I've always heard "You are so creative!" and although all my life I'd respond with 'No no no... I'm not', the Lord has shown me recently that denying what He has so blessed me with is a form of pride! So I will no longer deny it, but just be extremely thankful for this great blessing!
I started a jewelry class a few weeks ago and had a HUGE outcome! So many women showed up to the first class, and have been continually coming. I swear everyday someone new comes- it's awesome! I started teaching the girls to make ear rings because they were simple, easy to design, and would get the girls use to working with the tools. It was really fun to see the different designs they came up with when I told them on the third day to be creative and make the ear rings however they wanted.
(Photo1: R. wearing the ear rings she made. Photo2: C. showing her ear rings. Photo3: First day of class!)
(I will only put these girls first initial for their protection)

We have a limited amount of jewelry supplies, but a TON of beads. So I went in the storage room last week and came up with a bracelet that can be made with the random beads we have, and the wire and toggles we have a lot of as well. The girls did great making these and next week I hope to teach them to make matching necklaces!

One american girl over here asked me, 'where did you get your creativity from?' The only answer I had was "God." And honestly, this whole jewelry project- the bracelets and necklaces, I know this idea came from God. It's like I sat down in front of the supplies we had, and just started making something without thinking about it. And the bracelet is what came out. I think they are really cool looking... but I tend to like things that have no pattern to them. :)

Cool Story: A few days ago as I was telling a friend about the girls I work with, and conversations we were having. I was telling the story like: She said this, and I said that, and she replied this, and blah blah blah... when halfway through the story I stopped and realized although I had this conversation with one of my girls, she doesn't speak english and I don't speak Hindi. Yet this conversation included stories and even us making jokes about things-without a translator! And it wasn't until I was telling the story of our conversation to someone else that I realized that we weren't even speaking the same language- yet we understood each other perfectly. And it's like this with all the girls I teach! Again, I have to give credit to God for this which just completely blows my mind... but He's really good at doing that. :)


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