
So I have been in India now for a little over 3 months. Besides being in completely different surroundings from anything I've ever known before, there have been some incredible things that God has shown me about myself, which at first didn't seem to incredible, but I am glad to have my eyes opened to them.
My first month and a half here I remember struggling with something I found out about myself that was pretty hard for selfishness. I am one selfish girl. Just being honest. Last December, if I would have thought about it and said to myself, 'Am I selfish?' I would have honestly answered 'no'. Within the first month God opened my eyes to just how selfish I really was... which was a really good thing because He really challenged me in my second month here... and is still working on me. :)
The second thing about myself He has showed me, just this past month, is that I am not perfect. I always knew I wasn't perfect... but the other day I was just having one of those days where I felt very grumpy and just 'blah' all day. I even had to apologize to one of my friends at the end of the day for this weird mood I was in. Of course she was very forgiving and said something like, 'girl it's no problem. Everyone has their day like that.' The night this happened, which was just the other day, it got me thinking of just how wonderful it is that we don't have to be perfect. We are all flawed, and because I am loved for all of who I am (flaws included), it makes me want to love others even more for who they are... flaws included. :)


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